The project is funded by European Union Delegation to Ethiopia. It is implemented in partnership with VNG International.

ECA is implementing Result 1 of the program: “Strengthened institutional capacities and internal structure of ECA as representative actor” and Result 2 of the program:  “Increased interaction between Federal and Regional Authorities with ECA as mouthpiece of local governments in Ethiopia”


Overall objective:

Strengthening the institutional and operational capacity of Local Governments and the Local Government Association ECA to deepen Ethiopia’s decentralization process as a pathway to sustainable development

Specific objectives:

  1. To strengthen the ECA as representative membership organisation of cities and ultimately all local governments in Ethiopia
  2. To support decentralisation in Ethiopia in line with the devolution provisions with an emphasis on public finance management PFM
  3. To enhance the skills and knowledge of Woreda and City Authorities, their Councils, Kebeles and involved citizens
  4. To develop a body of evidence on local government in Ethiopia (i.e. research perspective)


Start 10 December, 2020 till 9 December, 2024


Citizens of the pilot Woredas and indirectly citizens of Ethiopia in general through the Ethiopian Cities Association and strengthening of regional structures

Estimated results

R1 Strengthened institutional capacities and internal structure of ECA as representative actor

R2. Increased interaction between Federal and Regional Authorities with ECA as mouthpiece of local governments in Ethiopia

R3. Strengthened capacity of Woredas in local PFM systems with increased participation of the citizens as a pathway towards sustainable service delivery

R4. More research findings on institutional and operational capacities of Local Governments in Ethiopia

Source of funds

Delegation of the European Union to Ethiopia

ULGE’s  Project Workshops Photos


Enabling the Mayors-Private Sector Conference organized by ECCSA and ECA create an environment that encourage productive discussions on issues that contribute to the improvement of business doing environment in respective member cities and at national level.


To contribute through the Mayors- Private-Sector Conference and dialogue forum held every year.


Identified strengths and limitations of the Mayors-Private Sector relationship in contributing to the development of the economy.

Title : Strengthening the connectivity capacity of Ethiopian Cities Association with its member cities

Background of the Project

The overall aim of this Agreement is to enable the Cooperation Partner to carry out the development and implementation of the project titled ‘Strengthening the connectivity capacity of Ethiopian Cities Association with its member citiesin the Innovative Grant Fund under the program titled ‘Empowering Marginal Economic Actors through Policy Reform from the Bottom-up’.

Project Objectives 

The overall objectives of the project are:

  1. To enhance the networking and connectivity capacities of the Ethiopian Cities Association (ECA) and deliver demand driven networking services to member cities.
  2. To provide networking and connectivity services to ECA member cities for their better visibility for cities-twinning

Source of funds : Initiative Africa (IA)

Main Goal

The training will help the ECA to build capacity to support Ethiopian cities to develop policies for:

  • Inclusive and participatory urban planning;
  • More effective decentralization and local governance and deepening local democracy; and
  • Promoting social cohesion, conflict prevention and peaceful solutions.

In addition, the program aims to strengthen training development and facilitation skills by including several train-the-trainer sessions and conducting pilot training for Ethiopian cities. This will enable the staff to better fulfill the task of ECA in facilitating capacity building, networking and learning for the member cities.



This program aims to:

  • Enhance human rights with respect to human security and access to basic services, especially for marginalized and discriminated groups living in the cities and in the informal urban settlements;
  • Support the institutional and democratic reform process in Ethiopia. It strengthens the capacity of Ethiopian local governments to develop and implement laws, policies and practices of good governance and to work in an inclusive and participatory manner; and
  • Contribute to conflict prevention and peaceful solutions involving all stakeholders. The program will help city governments to increase their conflict.

“The current challenges our country is facing demand urban leaders to provide solutions and to develop inclusive policies for vulnerable people, especially those living in informal settlements. The training has helped the association to better support Ethiopian cities to respond to such challenges.” Andualem Tenaw, Director-General of ECA.


A total of 15 trainers pool was done composed of the staff of the Ethiopian Cities Association, the Ministry of Urban and Infrustructure and the Oromia and Amhara regional governments. The

  1. Training of trainers

Through a three-week online training and in-person workshop in Addis Ababa, participants were provided with the knowledge and skills to design and deliver effective practice-oriented training.

  1. Development of training programs

Training programs were delivered on: ‘good governance and peacebuilding’ and ‘inclusive urban planning’. Participants were trained to deliver those training programs to member cities.  

  1. Pilot trainings

The program was tested through pilot trainings in three major areas:

  1. Oromia
  2. Amhara and
  3. South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Region
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